Consequences for Drug Possession in Abilene, TX: What You Need to Know
More arrests are made in the United States for drug abuse than for any other reason (1,572,579 such arrests were made in 2016 alone (, 2017)). And while it might be tempting to downplay these arrests because they are so common or because some of them result in misdemeanor charges rather than felony charges, the reality is that any arrest for drug possession or drug sales has the potential to severely impact your life. Fighting these charges with a qualified Abilene criminal defense lawyer is critical to minimizing the damage they can cause.
Drug possession or drug sales convictions can lead to jail time.
Perhaps the most obvious consequence possible from a drug conviction is jail time. Even possession of marijuana can sometimes lead to jail time. The amount of time you spend in jail depends on a variety of factors, including the substance you are convicted of possessing, whether or not you are convicted of intent to distribute, how much of the substance was in your possession, and whether or not you have any prior offenses. This is why you need an Abilene criminal defense lawyer working on your case to fight for the best possible outcome for you.
However, even misdemeanor drug possession charges can carry jail terms of up to 6 months. More severe drug convictions can even lead to life imprisonment. That is time away from your life and family you can never get back.
Drug possession or drug sales convictions can lead to fines.
A lesser known but potentially devastating consequence of drug possession or drug sales convictions is the imposition of fines. These fines often accompany jail time and, as with jail time, can vary depending upon the details of each individual case. However, even misdemeanor drug convictions can lead to fines of up to $4,000, with more serious convictions leading to fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars. For many people, even $4,000 can be a burden, with heavier fines leading to potential financial ruin. The financial cost of drug convictions should not be underestimated.
Drug possession or drug sales convictions can lead to a suspended driver's license.
Some drug possession or drug sales charges can also remove your ability to drive yourself by suspending your license for a certain period of time. For example, certain marijuana convictions can lead to license suspensions of up to 6 months. This suspension can interfere with your ability to get to work or other obligations.
Drug possession or drug sales convictions can create stigma and social problems.
Finally, drug possession or drug sales convictions can lead to social stigma and other problems that can haunt you for the rest of your life. For example, if you have been convicted of a felony, you may lose the right to vote. You may have a harder time finding a job. And you may experience judgment and rejection from individuals because of your conviction. While jail time, fines, and suspended licenses may not last forever, this stigma and the restrictions that often follow from certain types of convictions may follow you for the rest of your life.
Clearly, drug charges are serious business and must be addressed seriously. That is why you need an Abilene criminal defense lawyer to help you fight the drug charges you face. We are experienced with many types of drug possession and drug sales charges, and we aggressively pursue a favorable outcome for you, both outside and inside court. From mounting strong defenses to ensuring that your rights have been followed, we can help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case so you can minimize the negative impact of drug charges on your life.
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