THC Oil Possession Requires a Marijuana Lawyer in Abilene. Here is Why
If you live in the Abilene area and are charged with possessing THC oil or another marijuana concentrate (such as dabs, shatter, wax, etc.), you will need a marijuana lawyer in Abilene to help you navigate your case. With the laws regarding marijuana becoming increasingly relaxed, or nonexistent, in other states, why is it so imperative to contact a marijuana lawyer in Abilene for possessing THC? Here is why. You need a marijuana lawyer in Abilene because possession of THC oil in TX is always a felony. In Texas, marijuana is illegal, but possession of up to four ounces of loose marijuana is generally prosecuted as a misdemeanor. However, in Texas, possession of THC oil and other marijuana concentrates is always a felony. Because these products are legally considered concentrates, they fall under a group of controlled substances whose possession is immediately considered a felony. This felony charge applies no matter how much you have in your possession--even ...